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Majestic Way Elementary School

Majestic Way Elementary School

Majestic Way Values

Monarch pledge

At Majestic Way, we value being respectful, responsible, and safe. 
Being respectful means recognizing and valuing the dignity and worth of others. 
Interactions with Peers: Treating classmates with kindness, empathy, and consideration. This includes listening when others are speaking, acknowledging diverse opinions, and refraining from behaviors that can be hurtful or disruptive.
Interactions with Staff: Showing appreciation and regard for teachers and other school staff. This includes following instructions, addressing staff politely, and valuing their efforts to support your learning and well-being.
Respect for Property: Taking care of school property and personal belongings, which involves not vandalizing or damaging equipment, books, or facilities. It also means being mindful of shared spaces and resources.
Respect for Self: Maintaining a positive self-image and recognizing your own worth. This includes setting high standards for yourself, being honest, and striving to do your best.
Being responsible involves taking ownership of your actions and fulfilling your duties. 
Academic Responsibility: Completing assignments on time, preparing for tests, and engaging actively in your studies. This also means seeking help when needed and using your time effectively.
Behavioral Responsibility: Making thoughtful choices about how you behave in various situations. This involves adhering to school rules, managing conflicts constructively, and accepting the consequences of your actions.
Social Responsibility: Contributing positively to the school community by participating in group activities, helping others, and being a role model for peers. It also includes being aware of and respecting the community's norms and values.
Personal Responsibility: Managing your personal tasks and commitments, such as being punctual, staying organized, and balancing schoolwork with other activities.
Being safe means ensuring the physical and emotional well-being of yourself and others. 
Physical Safety: Following safety protocols within the school, such as emergency procedures and guidelines for safe conduct in different areas of the school. It also means avoiding behaviors that could harm yourself or others, like rough play or unsafe use of equipment.
Emotional Safety: Creating a supportive environment where everyone feels secure and valued. This involves avoiding bullying, harassment, or any form of emotional abuse. It also means being aware of and sensitive to the emotional needs of others.
Digital Safety: Using technology responsibly, which includes protecting personal information online, respecting others' privacy, and avoiding inappropriate or harmful online behavior.
Health Safety: Following hygiene practices to prevent the spread of illness, such as regular handwashing and staying home when sick. It also means adhering to any health-related guidelines set by the school or health authorities.
By embodying these values—Respectful, Responsible, and Safe—students contribute to a positive, productive, and supportive learning environment for everyone.

Monarch pledge

Monarch Pledge Poster